This skit was made for an Intermediate Single Camera Production course. Shot with a Sony A7iii and edited using Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Illustrator
The task of this project was to pick a film, research its approaches to lighting, and prepare a presentation that gives an explanation on how the scene's lighting style was achieved. This was a group project. I was tasked with completing a floor plan and editing together the presentation. The presentation was edited using Adobe Premiere. I created a small title card using Adobe After Effects. The 2D floor plan was made in Adobe Illustrator though, due to the nature of the film's lighting setup, I felt as if a 3D model would greatly increase the ease of visualization for the audience. I made a 3D mockup of the floorplan in Blender, and this is scene throughout the video.
The task of this group project was to analyze the cinematography of a short scene and present our findings to the class. My group chose a scene from the movie Kill Bill. This scene consisted of a single-continuous shot that spanned over two minutes. Usually, the project calls for floor plans to be made to present how exactly the camera was set up in the scene. Since this was one continuous shot, I made a 3D-animated floor plan. This segment can be seen in the final segment of the video, the "Side-By-Side Play-By-Play." It was made using Adobe After Effects, Illustrator, and Premiere.